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A Positive Global Impact

Environmentally sustainable business practices are steadily becoming the cornerstone of all companies, within the mining, civil and infrastructure industries. Those that are concerned with climate change are recognising their responsibility to maintain a healthy ecosystem, clean air, and freshwater for future generations. In particular, discovering how to reduce their impact of harmful mineral dust by partnering with Dust Suppressions Australia (DTS).

The control of mineral dust within many Australian industries is an ongoing battle that can impinge on workplace health and safety, the wider community and the environment if it is not effectively confined. Fortunately, both the commonwealth and state government agencies are enforcing legislative laws that require companies to align internal sustainability efforts, with quality and protective measures.

DTS has recognised the corporate obligation to help reduce dust, effecting our client’s environmental footprints. Our mission is to provide innovative and scientifically engineered solutions that successfully meet all Australian dust issues. It is important to note that we do not comply with a ‘one size fits all’ approach. Unlike traditional methods that are often suited for one purpose, our solutions have been designed to cater to several clientele concerns. In addition, we provide ongoing value, such as minimising water consumption and eliminating the need for reapplication within our guarantee period.

DTS is creating solutions for the future that support the environment, maintain client satisfaction and deliver on innovation. The solution offerings are designed to combat nationwide dust-related concerns, such as; vehicle movement on unpaved haul roads, unfavourable weather conditions such as water and wind erosion on ash or tailings dams, batters, overburden, or stockpiles. The following common Australian dust problems will expand on how to meet the expected societal and governing standards.

Issue 1: Heavy Vehicle Traffic Roads Product Option: RoadBond

Varying thoroughfares and haul roads with exposed substrates are a contributor to excessive airborne dust within outdoor workspaces.  A detrimental environmental concern which can place employees and nearby communities, health and safety at risk, if not adequately contained.

Traditional methods include daily water, directly applied onto the substrate with re-application expected every 1- 12 hours, depending on environmental conditions. Other methods may consist of crushed gravel displaced across the road surface; however, this material does also produce fine airborne dust particles that require frequent maintenance.

RoadBond is a sustainable solution that exceeds conventional processes and recognised as a superior dust suppressant specifically for haul roads. Engineered by Australian scientist, this unique product construct permeates onto individual particles of dust by weighing them down and allows for up to 6 months of protection.

  • Lowers maintenance costs
  • Eliminates dust instantly
  • Supports road stability
  • Environmentally accommodating
  • Decreases tyre wear

Issue 2:  Ash | Tailings Dams Product Options: Suppress X / FibreLoc / HydroBond

The mining industry often requires either ash or tailings storage facilities, commonly, required for waste deposits. When a storage area is actively in use, environmental devices monitor dust particles within the air, to ensure that they don’t reach hazardous levels.

When storage facilities become temporarily inactive, they can dry out, causing a fluctuation in dust particles. In this common scenario, complications may include inaccessible vehicle points, affecting clients ability to eradicate dust successfully. The following solutions will elaborate on how this issue can be resolved.

Option 1 – SuppressX

SuppressX dust control solution is a suitable solution to consider for inactive field zones, such as tailing or ash dams, stockpiles and other varying substrates. Designed for non-trafficked areas, it has the capability of eliminating dust lift-off after a single application. Engineered with water-soluble polymers and designed to penetrate the substrate below by forming an interconnected flexible crust purpose-built for removing dust.

  • Eliminates dust off after one application
  • Creates a durable yet flexible crust
  • Withstands moderate to extreme rain events
  • Environmentally sustainable | non-toxic

Option 2 – FibreLoc

Large scopes of an inactive and bare substrate, where vegetation is prolonged, may require a dust suppression solution to avoid the effects of wind or rain erosion. FibreLoc has been purpose-built for unpredictable and harsh weather conditions by helping to maintain the structural integrity of the substrate surface.
The unique construct consists of interlocking wood fibres and environmentally-sustainable binders to form an adaptable catchment area designed to entrap active dust particles from nearby locations. Benefits:
  • Specifically for areas with inconsistent weather events
  • Sustains longevity
  • Environmentally sustainable
  • Most effective when applied through hydroseeding equipment

Option 3 – HydroBond

HydroBond explicitly controls dust on vast open spaces that require vegetation. This option can include added native seed blends and mulches, depending on your project requirements.

The unique structure penetrates and binds to the most substrate, types while ensuring that the soil is permeable to water and air filtration. With the ability to maintain water retention, HydroBond allows for enhanced growth by promoting faster germination of seeds for revegetation, for dust and erosion control.

  • Most effective when applied through specialised HydroTruck equipment
  • Cost-effective & environmentally friendly
  • Promotes faster germination with seed protection
  • Can be supplied with or without mulch
  • Can be involved with a choice of colour

Dust Suppression Australia provides end-to-end solutions, supported by fully mine site-specific and certified plant and equipment, to deliver high-performance dust control results. With the ability to meet your environmental concerns and sustainability goals, why not contact the team today to discover what other ways we can add value to your next project.